Saturday, May 30, 2009

Houseplants- An ounce of prevention.....

Some of my houseplants got a parasite called "mealy bugs". I saw it on just a few of them at first about a year ago. I tried a few things to get rid of them, but they came back. Only when it affected almost all of my orchids did I actually take steps to fix it (why did I wait so long???!!) I had to take them all outside and spray them with an insecticide and I'll have to repeat it 3 more times in the next month. I have about 30, so that was no small feat. I think I used at least half of the spray bottle. I'll have to get more soon! Hopefully the 4 applications will solve it.

All that to say, "An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure." I strongly beieve that now and will look for little things I can do in my daily life and work to prevent small things from growing into larger problems.

Live and learn!

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