Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Rude People

Hmm, what's the definition of a rude person? I guess it's subjective. If you're a rude person, then your rudeness "meter" may be more flexible than mine. I consider myself to be very polite, excusing the occasional outburst when people push me too far. So my toleration for rudeness is close to zero. Enough rambling. Here are some examples of rude people:

Staring while I'm on the phone: At the office, I'm on the phone, someone comes by to see me, they look in and see that I'm on the phone (which is fine). Instead of quietly saying "I'll be back in a few" or walking a few paces away and listening for (not the words, but for the sound) me to stop talking and hearing "ok, bye.." then a click for the phone hanging up, they stand in the doorway and stare at me, listening to my conversation.  Maybe some would consider it's rude of me to not hang up the phone, but hey, it could be the president calling to ask my opinion on something.

I'll add to this list, if I remember.

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