Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Rude People

Hmm, what's the definition of a rude person? I guess it's subjective. If you're a rude person, then your rudeness "meter" may be more flexible than mine. I consider myself to be very polite, excusing the occasional outburst when people push me too far. So my toleration for rudeness is close to zero. Enough rambling. Here are some examples of rude people:

Staring while I'm on the phone: At the office, I'm on the phone, someone comes by to see me, they look in and see that I'm on the phone (which is fine). Instead of quietly saying "I'll be back in a few" or walking a few paces away and listening for (not the words, but for the sound) me to stop talking and hearing "ok, bye.." then a click for the phone hanging up, they stand in the doorway and stare at me, listening to my conversation.  Maybe some would consider it's rude of me to not hang up the phone, but hey, it could be the president calling to ask my opinion on something.

I'll add to this list, if I remember.

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Car vs. Jeep

Since my husband and I carpool to work (I drop him off with a peck on the lips and pick him up when the day is done, like a little kindergartner, it's cute!) we generally use only one car during the week. Usually we'll drive the car, since it uses less gas. We had a spell of about a month where we only drove the Jeep (Grand Cherokee). After that month of driving and eating/drinking-- the Jeep is an automatic, so I get spoiled with my freedom to eat while driving-- we switched back to the car and I noticed something weird.... People are way more willing to pull out in front of a car, than a jeep. In the jeep they stayed back like good little cars waiting their turn, but in the car, there was no hesitation about pulling out in the 'in-between' space where you think there's enough time/room between cars, but maybe not. One day, in the car, I had 2 cars pull out into the road half-way before realizing they didn't have enough time/room. They ended up throwing it in reverse to get back to their safety zone. Two in a row! And that was just my first day back with the car. I guess I get used to it after a few days because it's only noticeable to me for a few days.

Just an interesting thing I thought I'd share!

Wednesday, July 29, 2009


[in a robotic voice:] Greetings, earthlings.

[back to regular voice:] That's what I think of when people use the word "greetings" instead of "hey y'all" or "hello". It's absolutely absurd! "Greetings" is a noun. Starting an email or conversation with "greetings" is like walking up to someone and saying "sentences", "nouns", or "picnic basket".

When you leave that person, do you say "salutation"? It'd only make sense. I'm all for consistancy, so if you say "greetings", I expect you to say "salutations" as well. Better yet, let's use correct grammar and say "hello" and "goodbye". :)

By the way, "hello" is an interjection when used as a greeting.

Out of soy milk....

I ran out of soy milk yesterday. I used the last drops in my cereal. I hope I enjoyed that immensely. I was still out of soy milk today. I'm not sure why the soy milk fairy skipped my house last night, but that was a mean trick. So I didn't figure out or remember the soy milk was gone until I'd already poured my cereal and sliced some strawberries and I was hungry (after working out before breakfast, yay me!) and in a hurry.... WHAT TO DO? I thoguht about using water, but I've tried that before. It's not good. My husband had some creamer in the fridge, and I thought about watering it down and using that, but I don't drink milk.... then I found it! Sitting there in a brand new half gallon package-- oj. Yes, I put oj on my cereal. It wasn't so bad, but the cereal seemed to get soggy faster than usual and the oj tasted very acidic and strong. I should have watered it down. Oh well. Now I can say I've had oj on my cereal.

Saturday, May 30, 2009

Houseplants- An ounce of prevention.....

Some of my houseplants got a parasite called "mealy bugs". I saw it on just a few of them at first about a year ago. I tried a few things to get rid of them, but they came back. Only when it affected almost all of my orchids did I actually take steps to fix it (why did I wait so long???!!) I had to take them all outside and spray them with an insecticide and I'll have to repeat it 3 more times in the next month. I have about 30, so that was no small feat. I think I used at least half of the spray bottle. I'll have to get more soon! Hopefully the 4 applications will solve it.

All that to say, "An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure." I strongly beieve that now and will look for little things I can do in my daily life and work to prevent small things from growing into larger problems.

Live and learn!

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Clothing Sizes....

So... I've lost weight recently, and to reward myself, I bought some new workout clothes. I went to my favorite discout stores-- Ross, TJ Maxx and Marshalls. At Ross, I found a huge assortment of sports bras. I grabbed any that I thought were pretty and were a good price. I was in the section labeled "small" since that is apparently my new size. I took the 20 or so pieces to the dressing room to try them on. Most of them were size small. One had a pricetag of $3.99, while most were around $8. I thought the $3.99 one was really cute, so I tried it on. I noticed that it was mis-labeled as a "large". It definitely was not a large. It fit just fine and I thought it was so cheap because it was mis-labeled and no one wanted it. I went to the other stores and bought about 3 at each store, knowing I'd need to return a few to not have sports-bra-overload! As I was trying on my collection a few days later, I started reading the labels and figuring out which ones I should return and which I should keep. I tried on most of them again and weeded out a few. I had bought the wrong size for one, so that went in the bag. I had duplicates of the same color, so I set one of those aside. I got back to the cute little orangy-pink, size large one. I tried it on and then read the label. I didn't notice anything strange until I glanced at the Spanish translation.... it mentioned a "nina"... that means "little girl" in Spanish. Yes, I did the unthinkable! I bought children's clothing. It get's worse. I knew that and still decided to keep it! I wore it today to my workout and it fits just fine. I really like it.

If I end up wearing out all of these new sports bras soon, for Christmas, look for Adidas children's large, or ladies small and we'll be set.

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Bathrooms in Restaurants

I hate it when I'm in a public bathroom and I go to get hand soap.... and nothing comes out! I try the next one and the next one, but none have any soap! So then I look around to see if I'm on Candid Camera and I notice 2 soap dispensers on the wall. Great! I have soap, but thanks for wasting a minute of my time trying the other dispensers. I think they should at least take out the pump part of the unused dispenser and cap that baby up! Heck, they cut a hole in the counter top for me to put trash in, why not just leave yet another hole where the old soap dispenser was....?

Monday, April 27, 2009

Shoe Sizes...

What's up with shoe sizes these days? I've been wearing a size 9 since middle school or high school, but for some reason this year, I'm now an 8.5. I don't think my feet have shrunk. I did lose 10 lbs recently, but I doubt my bone structure has gotten smaller...

Also, let's talk about consistancy. I have 2 pairs of shoes from the same manufacturer. They are very similar in style but not the same and are different colors. One is size 9 and the other is 8.5. I don't get it. I envy guys who can walk into a store, look at the pants sizes and walk out with a perfectly fitting pair of pants without even trying it on! Well, maybe for me the thrill is in the hunt, so I don't really mind trying things on. I do mind the changing shoe sizes.

Friday, April 24, 2009

Blog 1

I titled this "Blog 1" because I feel like it has to look like that first meeting, or the first diary entry.... I don't know why, but when I was little I started a diary and kept writing to someone named "Dear Diary" as if that person would someday read it and respond. They never did and now, 20 years later, here I am still writing. At least maybe I'll get some feedback. I probably didn't want feedback on what I was writing in the third grade. Anyway, I'll end this before I ramble too long. :)